In silico genomic analysis > 항암유효성평가지원센터

Support for clinical connection and functional analysis of anti-cancer target genes based on various genetic databases.


  • Molecular characteristics and functional analysis of anti-cancer targeted genes through genomic data analysis such as GEO (Gene Expression Omnibus) and TCGA (The Canker Genome Atlas).
  • Analysis of the signaling pathway of genes using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) by screening the Correlation gene that is associated with the anti-cancer target gene in Genomic data
  • Analysis of patient survival rates and drug response associations to establish clinical significance of targeted genes
  • Analysis of genetic characteristics of target genes using web browser such as cBioportal, Oncomine, KMPlot, GSEA, etc. and its association with clinical samples
  • RNA-seq. data analysis and association analysis in clinical samples after in vitro experiments to identify the function of the target gene

An analysis of the expression pattern of target genes using genomic data

Drug reactivity in silico analysis of anti-cancer target genes

A study on the relationship between target genes and survival rate using patient-derived genomic data

Identification of connections between specific genes using genomic data